Upcoming Girls Classes & Circles
Maiden Circle
How many girls do you know who actually love their bodies?
How many women have healthy female friendships?
The Maiden Circle is a place to help girls learn to listen to and support each other while developing self-care practices.
Activities & Discussion Topics:
♀Goddess Archetypes
♀The Menstrual Cycle
♀The Wheel of the Year
♀Identifying Emotions
♀Creating Ritual
♀Self Care
♀Singing for Healing
The Maiden Circle meets the first Saturday of the month
10am to 12pm
Located inside Self-Healing Massage
1507 E Sandy Lake Rd. Ste 110
Coppell, TX 75019
2023 Circle Schedule
A sacred space for girls to gather for support and to learn about their inner goddess.
Cost to attend: $20
Click the date(s) above to sign up for a circle
What if girls honored their bodies and their cycles as awesome, sacred parts of themselves?
That’s the goal of Beldam Womancare's body literacy classes and circles for girls. Preteen and teenage girls learn about the menstrual cycle from a respectful and honest perspective. Through discussion and activity-based learning, girls come to respect their cycles and understand how impressive their bodies truly are.
Check out the upcoming North Texas classes and circles below!
Mother-Daughter Menstrual Cycle Class
A class for girls age 9-12 and their moms or female relatives.
The focus of the class is on puberty, periods and the menstrual cycle, and self care. Girls gain confidence and respect for their bodies and a safe space to ask questions. Mothers get support from other women and the language to support their daughters.
This course is split into two classes, and we teach one per month. Be sure to attend Part 1 before signing up for Part 2.
Part 1
In this class, girls develop a basic understanding of how the menstrual cycle works and begin to see their first period as a rite of passage.
In this class your daughter will learn:
Female reproductive anatomy
Puberty and the physical, mental, and emotional changes that occur
The menstrual cycle, periods, and ovulation
What’s healthy and what’s not
Part 2
Now that your daughter has learned the basics of the menstrual cycle and why we go through puberty, it's time to delve a little deeper and answer some of her lingering questions!
In this class your daughter will learn:
How can you know when you're ovulating?
What are some body signs and changes that let you know where you are in your cycle?
When in the cycle is it possible to get pregnant?
What are hormones and how do they change throughout the cycle?
What's the white stuff you see in your underwear and how can you tell if it's normal or not?
Both classes involve fun activities like moon cycle necklaces and a menstrual cycle cake walk, and discussion-based learning.
2023 Classes
Saturdays from 2:00-4:00pm
Each class is held inside Beldam Womancare
Located at:
1507 E Sandy Lake Rd. Ste 105
Coppell, TX 75019
Part 1 - Sat. Jan. 7 - Sign Up
Part 2 - Sat. Jan. 21 - Sign Up 10a-12p
Part 1 - Sat. Feb. 18 - Sign Up
Part 2 - Sat. Mar. 4 - Sign Up
Part 1 - Sat. April 1 - Sign Up
Part 2 - Sat. May 6 - Sign Up
Part 1 - Sat. June 3 - Sign Up
Part 2 - Sat. July 1 - Sign Up
Part 1 - Sat. Aug. 5 - Sign Up
Part 2 - Sat. Sept. 2 - Sign Up
Part 1 - Sat. Oct. 7 - Sign Up
Part 2 - Sat. Nov. 4 - Sign Up
Part 1 - Sat. Dec. 2 - Sign Up
Click "Sign Up" above to reserve your spot!
The transition from girlhood to womanhood can and should be celebrated as a rite of passage!
Cost to attend: $35 per class
Teen Body Literacy Series
A class for girls age 13-18 on the transition to womanhood.
This class focuses on body literacy for teens as they journey through puberty and adolescence. Through respectful discussion, activities, and presentations, girls learn about puberty, female anatomy & Physiology, including hormones, demystifying periods & the cycle, fertility Awareness (as an observational practice, not as their primary form of contraception), and self care.
The class is four weeks long and meets Thursdays from 6-8pm at the Beldam Womancare Office:
1507 E Sandy Lake Rd Ste 105
Coppell, TX 75019
2023 Class Schedule
Click the date(s) to sign up for a class!
Cost to attend: $165 per 4-week series
Have questions? Send an email!